
Tightrope walking in 15 meters height

The line is 15 meters up in the air and 300 meters long. Tatiana-Mosio Bongonga will dance here. Without a safety line and without a safety net, but with the help of 60 volunteer ‘cavaletti’, who stand on the ground and hold the line. Sure, the tightrope walker is alone in the air, but keeping her there is a team effort.

It seems superhuman and fearless, but for the company Basinga, the art of tightrope walking is exactly the opposite. It’s about facing your fears and your weaknesses and working with them. Balance is the sum of an eternity of imbalances, for which it is important to make room. And we can only achieve the great if we make room for our weaknesses.


TIME Sunday 6 August at 16.00
PLACE Refshaleøen, in front of the Wolf – near Refshalevej 177, Cph. K
WHAT Tight rope walking


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